About Us
Holax holding has been founded with the mission of investment in the import and export of goods (specially related to the steel industry) and relying on knowledge of the experts and specialist and synergy of the manufacturers and technology owners.




To create value and make a differennce as a trusted supplier of row material and equipment globally.
To manage business with integrity and highest standard of ethics and to act in a socially responsible manner with emphasison the wellbeing of all stakeholders .

Our vision server as a framework to accomplish our mission and guide us in every aspect of our business to achieve sustainable and quality growth. We emphasize on the wellbeing of our people, partners and customers.
- Operate with and provide faimess, transparency and obgectivity in the work environment.
-Leverage team talent and respect for team work.
-We take on us of our actions and words.
-Non-negotiable and uncompromised level of quality.
-Make direct relation with customer and partners to maintain long relation with competitive environment.
What We Do